Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Which is better?

I found this note to myself from several months ago. I think the question is still as valid today as it was then.
Is it better to deliver 'correctly' or to deliver 'incrementally'?
However, I am not sure if I have a concise answer even today. Perhaps this is a good idea for a future blog post but I am curious if anyone will respond and help start the discussion.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Thankful Challenge: Day 2

Today I am thankful for:
  1. Being able to see my kids wake up most mornings. This is one of life's true blessings for me and a part of the day that I look forward to each day.
  2. Family stories. For those I know from the lives of my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. For those I know from my own life. For those I'm sure my kids will one day tell their friends and family. May these stories inform us, cause us to reflect, bind us together, and cause us to have painful sides due to all of our laughter.
  3. Scarborough Speedsters Running Club. This after school club has 30-35 kids ranging in age from 3rd to 5th grade out running twice per week and training to run in a 5K event in October. The kids have great energy and are wonderful examples of how to be encouraging, selfless team members.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Thankful Challenge: Day 1

On 29-August, my friend, Dustin, nominated me for the Thankful Challenge. The rules of the Challenge are pretty simple: 
  1. Post an entry every day for five days
  2. For each entry, list three things you are thankful for
  3. In your last entry, nominate three others to complete the Challenge
I intended to start after the Labor Day holiday weekend, but I've put it off because I learned my good friend passed away on 01-September and that really threw me for a tumble last week. It's amazing to me how much that event shook my life.

So, for Day 1, here are my thoughts. I'm thankful for:
  1. Gaining some closure at my David's funeral on Saturday. David and his wife always made me feel like a part of their family. On Saturday I got to meet even more of David's family and learn more about him. What a blessing it was to be included, share stories, and feel the love we all shared because of David's impact on our lives.
  2. Cool fall weather. Although the summer temperatures have not been that bad, I'm thankful for the drop in temperature.
  3. Support from my family and friends. One thing I learned this weekend is we never know all of the ways our life impacts those around us. So I want to make sure and let you all know that you are impacting my life and I am so very thankful for your friendship, your concern, and your love.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

More Snow

I think Jeffrey has a fantastic idea in this comic strip. See, he says we need more winter to help fight the coming zombie apocalypse. I had never thought of that. What a great reason for more snow and less brain eating.

Now, I may need to have a talk with Danae about whether we snow lovers should be called "stinky, booger-brained boys" but, if you know Danae, that is one talk I'm not likely to win.

Non Sequitur comic strip

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Real-life Conference Call

I saw this video yesterday and thought of all the times I've been involved in conference calls. While humorous, this video absolutely nails many characteristics of conference calls!

Have a look and enjoy.

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